Saturday, November 2, 2019

Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example The following are the approaches that have been used to attempt to solve the standoff. 1. Political Approach The gay community has been needlessly subjected to negative tagging by the ‘straight.’ This has left authorities with no choice but to adjust the law in order to protect this minority group from intolerant and homophobic treatments. But is it true that the gay are victims of homophobia and intolerance from the straight society? â€Å"Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals †¦ sometimes leading to acts of violence and expressions of hostility.† (Anti-Defamation League, 2001). Fear and hatred of homosexuals is something that should be condemned in bold letters. Supporting Proposition 8 therefore exposes the gay to unjust and unfair treatment. However, only extremist individuals and groups come to this extent of being out-rightly insolent against the gay-and this is totally unacceptable. If someone is peacefully expressing their opinion against ho mosexuality because they think it is wrong, should they be termed intolerant and homophobic? If a church-based organization says it cannot admit gay individuals because its value system does not allow such, is that intolerance? Not any more than than Tyson (Meat Company) can join the American Vegetarian Association! It is not intolerant, it is just plain unreasonable. Cost of Implementation Not everyone who opposes homosexuality hates or fears the gay: they are simply expressing their opinion and practicing their freedom of expression. Apparently, the gay are cushioned by the law, such that they can get away with something that other people don’t. For instance, is it not ‘freedom of expression’ to talk against religion and the religious, but not against homosexuality? Jennifer Roback says, â€Å"I’m voting ‘yes’ on 8, not because of my views of gays and lesbians, but because of my views about marriage. I view marriage as a gender-based instit ution that attaches mothers and fathers to each other and to their children.† (Jennifer Roback, November 1 2008). Is it fair and just to have children in a situation where they cannot utter ‘mum’ or ‘dad’, because we adults have disordered these roles? Would a child feel the same way if they were cuddled in the bosom of a ‘male mother’ as they would in that of a ‘real’ mother? No one has the right to abuse homosexuals, but opposing them does not amount to discriminating against them. Rejecting Proposition 8 amounts to giving the gay way too much liberty at the expense of others-especially children; and criminalizing rather honest and kind opinions. 2. Sociological Approach Maggie Gallagher and Joshua K. Baker seem to reject the proposition by positing that gay marriages have no negative implication on the society. They assert that â€Å"†¦ children raised by lesbian and gay parents†¦ do as well if not better than c hildren raised by heterosexual parents† emotionally, socially and educationally. (Gallagher, Maggie and Joshua K. Blake, Pg 2). They posit that the gender of the parents does not matter; provided love, care and protection thrive in the family unit. However, they point at the immense significance there is in a traditional family by admitting that marriage is more than a private emotional relationship. â€Å"It is also a social good; †¦

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