Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Marketing Mix - 1265 Words

What does the phrase marketing mix mean? What is the purpose of the marketing mix? The marketing mix is a process most organizations use to bring a product or service to market. The four Ps is a good way to define the marketing mix tool. The four Ps or four elements of the marketing mix are product, place, price, and promotion, which are used to satisfy consumers’ needs and the objectives of the organization. After a target market is selected, â€Å"†¦the firm must take steps to satisfy [the customers] needs† (Kerin, Hartley, Rudelius, 2009 p. 13). The basic concept of the marketing mix is to focus on what customers want and to keep customers satisfied. Although the marketing mix is a unique way to market a product or service, satisfying the†¦show more content†¦The second section of pricing is to decide how a firm’s price will compare with its competitors. Consider Wal-Mart, for example, to set a price of a 42-inch Samsung television set in comparison with the competitors, Wal-Mart would offer a lower price or a similar price to match what their competitors are offering. This particular pricing strategy will allow the business to sustain a competitive advantage and increase sales. Supply and demand affects pricing of the product as well. A good suggestion for the pricing aspect of the marketing mix is that the price should be based on the quality of the product and appeal to price sensitive customers. Moreover, to increase customer relations, the price of a product should be set at an affordable amount with the help of sporadic price adjustment such as discounts and coupons. The place or location is the third vital aspect of the marketing mix. This step involves the availability of the product. In other words, an organization must set up a location where consumers look to buy products such as the internet, catalogue, or retail store. For instance, a placement for mp3 players would involve distribution activities to make the product available for the targeted consumers. Companies such as Sony, Apple, and Sylvania use a chain of intermediaries such as Best Buy, Radio Shack, and Wal-Mart to reach itsShow MoreRelatedHolden Marketing Mix1768 Words   |  8 PagesAssessment 2 Marketing mix Review and Recommendations Report My brand is V6 Holden Commodore Short review about Holden in Australia;- The history of Holden dates back to 1856 when it started as a saddler business in South Australia. Today Holden is one of only seven fully-integrated global General Motors operations that designs, builds and sells vehicles for Australia and the world. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Types of Listening Free Essays

Types of listening Here are six types of listening, starting with basic discrimination of sounds and ending in deepcommunication. Discriminative listening Discriminative listening is the most basic type of listening, whereby the difference between difference soundsis identified. If you cannot hear differences, then you cannot make sense of the meaning that is expressed bysuch differences. We will write a custom essay sample on Types of Listening or any similar topic only for you Order Now We learn to discriminate between sounds within our own language early, and later areunable to discriminate between the phonemes of other languages. This is one reason why a person from onecountry finds it difficult to speak another language perfectly, as they are unable distinguish the subtle soundsthat are required in that language. Likewise, a person who cannot hear the subtleties of emotional variation in another person’s voice will be lesslikely to be able to discern the emotions the other person is experiencing. Listening is a visual as well as auditory act, as we communicate much throughbody language. We thus alsoneed to be able to discriminate between muscle and skeletal movements that signify different meanings. Biased listening Biased listening happens when the person hears only what they want to hear, typically misinterpreting whatthe other person says based on thestereotypesand other biases that they have. Such biased listening isoften very evaluative in nature. Evaluative listening In evaluative listening, or critical listening , we make judgments about what the other person is saying. Weseek to assess the truth of what is being said. We also judge what they say against ourvalues, assessingthem as good or bad, worthy or unworthy. Evaluative listening is particularly pertinent when the other person is trying to persuade us, perhaps tochange our behavior and maybe even to change ourbeliefs. Within this, we also discriminate betweensubtleties of language and comprehend the inner meaning of what is said. Typically also we weigh up the prosand cons of an argument, determining whether it makes sense logically as well as whether it is helpful to us. Evaluative listening is also called critical, judgmental or interpretive listening. Appreciative listening In appreciative listening, we seek certain information which will appreciate, for example that which helpsmeet ourneedsandgoals. We use appreciative listening when we are listening to good music, poetry ormaybe even the stirring words of a great leader. Sympathetic listeningIn sympathetic listening we care about the other person and show this concern in the way we pay closeattention and express our sorrow for their ills and happiness at their joys. Empathetic listening When we listenempathetically, we go beyond sympathy to seek a truer understand how others are feeling. This requires excellent discrimination and close attention to the nuances of emotional signals. When we arebeing truly empathetic, we actually feel what they are feeling. In order to get others to expose these deep parts of themselves to us, we also need to demonstrate ourempathy in our demeanor towards them, asking sensitively and in a way that encourages self-disclosure. Therapeutic listening In therapeutic listening, the listener has a purpose of not only empathizing with the speaker but also to usethis deep connection in order to help the speaker understand, change or develop in some way. This not onlyhappens when you go to see a therapist but also in many social situations, where friends and family seek toboth diagnose problems from listening and also to help the speaker cure themselves, perhaps by somecathartic process. This also happens in work situations, where managers, HR people, trainers and coachesseek to help employees learn and develop. Relationship listening Sometimes the most important factor in listening is in order to develop or sustain a relationship. This is whylovers talk for hours and attend closely to what each other has to say when the same words from someoneelse would seem to be rather boring. Relationship listening is also important in areas such as negotiation and sales, where it is helpful if the otherperson likes you and trusts you. False listening False listening occurs where a person is pretending to listen but is not hearing anything that is being said. They may nod, smile and grunt in all the right places, but do not actually take in anything that is said. This is askill that may be finely honed by people who do a lot of inconsequential listening, such as politicians androyalty. Their goal with their audience is to make a good impression in very short space of time before theymove on, never to talk to that person again. It is also something practiced by couples, particularly where oneside does most of the talking. However, the need for relationship here can lead to this being spotted (‘You’renot listening again! ‘) and consequent conflict. Initial listening Sometimes when we listen we hear the first few words and then start to think about what we want to say inreturn. We then look for a point at which we can interrupt. We are also not listening then as we are spendingmore time rehearsing what we are going to say about their initial point. Selective listening Selective listening involves listening for particular things and ignoring others. We thus hear what we want tohear and pay little attention to ‘extraneous’ detail. Partial listeningPartial listening is what most of us do most of the time. We listen to the other person with the best of intentand then become distracted, either by stray thoughts or by something that the other person has said. Weconsequently dip inside our own heads for a short while as we figure out what they really mean or formulate a question for them, before coming back into the room and starting to listen again. This can be problematicwhen the other person has moved on and we are unable to pick up the threads of what is being said. We thuseasily can fall into false listening, at least for a short while. This can be embarrassing, of course, if theysuddenly ask your opinion. A tip here: own up, admitting that you had lost the thread of the conversation andasking them to repeat what was said. Full listening Full listening happens where the listener pays close and careful attention to what is being said, seekingcarefully to understand the full content that the speaker is seeking to put across. This may be very active form of listening, with pauses for summaries and testing that understanding iscomplete. By the end of the conversation, the listener and the speaker will probably agree that the listenerhas fully understood what was said. Full listening takes much more effort than partial listening, as it requires close concentration, possibly for aprotracted period. It also requires skills of understanding and summary. Deep listening Beyond the intensity of full listening, you can also reach into a form of listening that not only hears what issaid but also seeks to understand the whole person behind the words. In deep listening, you listen between the lines of what is said, hearing theemotion, watching thebody language, detectingneedsandgoals, identifyingpreferencesand biases, perceivingbeliefsandvalues, and soon. How to cite Types of Listening, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Blue Album by Weezer free essay sample

Got the blues? So does Weezer, an American rock band that originated in 1992 in Los Angeles. Weezers albums tend to be identified by their cover colors. â€Å"The Blue Album† was the bands premiere, released in 1994. When you first delve into â€Å"The Blue Album,† you find yourself warmly embraced by the easy tune of â€Å"My Name Is Jonas.† By the time the song comes to an end, the band has already given you that hug that you so desperately needed and has stood you back on your feet. Its a cool journey from there. As you cruise down the road riding shotgun, Weezer takes the wheel and distracts you from your problems by telling you about their own girl troubles in â€Å"No One Else.† As you reach a red light, Weezer tells you a story about their past with â€Å"The World Has Turned and Left Me Here.† The song leaves you breathless and you begin to ponder whether any of your problems are all that terrible after all. We will write a custom essay sample on The Blue Album by Weezer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The light turns green and the uplifting tune of â€Å"Buddy Holly† takes you on an epic joyride. Youre lulled to sleep in the car on the way to the beach as you experience â€Å"Only in Dreams.† You awaken to the â€Å"Sweater Song† and Weezer pulls up to the boardwalk for â€Å"Surf Wax America,† a lovely, carefree, easy day of surfing at the beach. â€Å"In the Garage† comes on and you experience your childhood again, rediscovering the safety and security of that special place. As your â€Å"Holiday† ends, youre left sighing â€Å"Say It Aint So† and you pack your things back in the car, thus ending your perfect day with Weezer. By now youve forgotten what this article was about, and thats exactly what â€Å"The Blue Album† does too; it makes you forget your worries. This album is perfect for those rainy days that leave you wishing for sun – or any day. Weezers awesome tunes make you remember the important things in life and realize that your troubles are not so tragic. Everyone should give this album a chance. â€Å"The Blue Album† left me jubilant, joyful, and wanting more.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Marketing 7P free essay sample

1. People ( People ) Retaining customers is all about building relationships and relationships are about people . If they want to retain their customers , brands should treat consumers as a person, not as a mere consumer. To achieve this , it is important that people stand up for the brand know treat customers well . Two . product The product must be in line with the target audience for the brand. If the product is aligned with consumer needs , will be much easier to brand meet the 7 P. If not , the task will be much more complicated. Therefore, it is important that products evolve at the same rate as the customer needs. Three . Place ( Location ) The place where the product is placed is key , not only in traditional physical stores, but also in e- commerce . A good product featured in a good context is more likely to connect with the customer. April . price The client assumes that this brand look after him . We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing 7P or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is why it is willing to pay . And it will still be willing to pay the price that the mark will always imposed and when offered small prizes in the form of discounts, deals and additional services at no extra charge. May . promotion Promoting a product is radically different if directed at consumers who are already customers of the brand or is intended for potential customers. In the first case , the brand and know your customer and know the reasons that makes use of its products and services. For this reason , you must use the information to send personalized and provided with context information. 6. processes To retain customers , brands should pay close attention to the processes , monitoring social media, conducting interviews of customer satisfaction, and investing in marketing automation . These process data provided by the client to become actions that contribute to consumer loyalty . 7. Positioning If you want to retain your customer, the brand must be clear who is and clearly communicate your personality and repeated consumer. The positioning of a brand is revealed in their actions , the people you hire, the products and services provided in the prices of their products and services, discounts apply at the place and promotions selected to be known and the processes implemented .

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Oedipus According To Aristotle Essays - Oedipus The King, Oedipus

Oedipus According To Aristotle Essays - Oedipus The King, Oedipus Oedipus According to Aristotle Oedipus the King had one of the worst destinies in all of literature. As a young man he learned of his fate to kill his father and marry his mother. Fleeing his family and seeking refuge from his terrible future in a distant state only brought about the actualization of the forecast. Unbeknownst to Oedipus, he had killed his own father and entered the bed of his mother. He lived in this relationship for many years until at last he painfully revealed the blinding truth over the course of one shocking day. Scholars of Greek literature have debated whether Oedipus was a good man who happened to suffer a most unfortunate fate, or if he was in fact a truly bad person, whose fate was only just. In comparison with the writings of Aristotle on The Good, a relative conclusion emerges showing that according to Aristotelian views of good and bad, Oedipus was indeed a good man, and the bad that befell him was a cruel gift from the gods. In his first dealings with the city of Thebes, Oedipus found them under the curse of the Sphinx. He actually gained his position of King of Thebes by rendering unto the city a great service, namely the salvation of the city from the Sphinx?s plague. Aristotle praised the type of cleverness and practical wisdom Oedipus exhibited in his solution to the riddle as being a component of overall goodness. If it were not for Oedipus virtuous action in saving Thebes, the citizens would have suffered untold disasters at the merciless hands of the Sphinx. After proving his worth as a good man and his concern for the citizens of what was seemingly a foreign city, Oedipus was well liked by the people of Thebes. The people of Thebes liked their ruler, and he in turn ruled over them in a good and just way, trying to help them in their times of need. Aristotle believed that good in man existed in doing his job well. A good carpenter was one who worked with his wood and built things as best as possible; a good ruler presided over his people justly. Oedipus was a good ruler of Thebes. According to the Aristotelian definition, this is a significant step towards being a good man. Oedipus first demonstrated his ability to be a good leader in his helping the city escape the Sphinx. He continued his leadership in the same manner, doing good for the city and winning esteem in the eyes of the citizens. The premise for the book is that he was trying to rid the city of a second plague. He showed no hesitation to give it his best effort, saying "Indeed I?m willing to give all that you may need; I would be very hard should I not pity suppliants like these." Displaying this willingness to he! lp his citizens and earning such lofty acclaim as being called "great" or "greatest," Oedipus could not have been a poor ruler or a tyrant. If Oedipus had ruled his subjects poorly, then they would not have addressed him as "great," so he should be viewed as a good leader, one who cared for his charges, one who ruled justly. In this light, Aristotle would have judged Oedipus to be a good man, or more precisely, a good ruler because Oedipus? labor was "for the benefit of others," one of Aristotle?s characteristics of a good ruler. Similarly, in Oedipus? quest for the truth, he established his goodness under another category of Aristotelian virtue. When warned by Tieresias of the painful news the prophet bears, Oedipus insisted on hearing what he has to say. When Jocasta pleaded with him to stop his interrogation of the messenger, Oedipus replied "I will not be persuaded to let be the chance of finding out the whole thing clearly." When the herdsman balked at spelling out Oedipus? dreadful fate, Oedipus threatened him, saying "If you?ll not talk to gratify me, you will talk with pain to urge you." Oedipus let nothing stop him from his search to discover the truth about himself. Aristotle?s view is that "Both are dear to us, but it is our sacred duty to

Friday, November 22, 2019

Applications of Visa in Australia Market

Explain Applications of the 457 Visa in Australia Market? Australian government is planning to amend the current regulations in the subclass 457 Visa to give more priority to the national workforce. This analysis includes the background of the 457 Visa for the sponsoring of people of oversea to meet the scarcity of labor in the Australian market. At the same time, it includes the major changes or amendments that are going to impose by the Australian immigration government. Impacts of the changes over the 457 Visa have also discussed.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Visa is essential for migration from one country to another country. Basically, visa is an identity for the foreign or overseas people to easily control the system of a country. Countries allow the people to visit the entire state with the validation of the visa’s time period. Australian government is follows strict regulation regarding the movement of the people from other geographical planet. Australia is very well developed country so people are excited to visit once Australia for permanent or short term stay (Berg, 2015). In context of the study most of the students are oversea students come to the Australia. Along with this, there are various category of visa according to the requirement like travel, education purpose and for work purpose. Regarding these different rules and regulation are complied or imposed to follow. Visitors in Australia are continuously increasing and the people for permanent migration for Australia are also increasing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   457 Visa is an important type of visa for the immigration programme in Australia. Basically, it is the visa through which employer can go for long term and short term of time period in Australia (Breen, 2016). It is stated that Australia is the mostly private business owned country where large number of skilled employers are required. Further, at the peak time of work in Australia there is a shortage of skilled worker to carry out the manufacturing or other activities of the perspective business than 457 Visa holders are allowed to move in the country for work for long time as mentioned in the last for four years. Further, it is subclass 457 Visa which was employed before 20 years. It is one of the most sponsor programmes which explore the opportunities in the Australia country to get familiar with the values, norms and work culture of the Australian labor market (Wright et. al, 2016).   Australian labor market is the mix of high skilled and low skilled and most of the Australian business opportunities are bifurcated for the skilled and experienced workers to carry out the process. In addition to this, employers want to meet out the requirement of the skilled workers so that they hire the labor from the foreign or overseas market to hold the vast majority of 457 Visa holders (Mares, 2016). At the same time, most number of the 457 Visa holders is entitled to work for high skilled reference in the Australian economy. Economic immigration is mostly benefit for the Australian economic development and supply of the high skilled people from various business lines 457 Visa is required for the employer sponsor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, it is not applicable for the students are traveler. In addition to this, students those are living in Australia currently can grab the opportunity to work as skilled people. It is also reviewed that immigrant migration rate is increasing rapidly from 1990’s as there bubbled the growth in labor and high skilled work programme (Smith et. al, 2016). Australian government can use the domestic mechanism to encourage and motivate the people at specified wages rates. Along with this, the Turnbull government has not conducted any training programme for the skills enhancement of the migrants or domestic labor. As per the labor market law, if the occupation is listed on the Medium and Long term Strategic Skilled List than employee can work for four year if it is not registered than it allows only two years working in the Australia (Bales et. al, 2017).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   457 Visa is beneficial for the short time works those are willing to work at least 12 months in the Australia than industry, company and institutions can offer the visa to work in. At the same time, it is also important for the visitors to take the advantages of the visa. Basically, 457 Visa was launched in year 1996 to meet out the shortage of the skilled labor in the Australian market (Breen, 2016). Along with this, visa holders can earn good amount of money in this short term of time period as it would not be paid by other industry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, 457 Visa has some of consequences that may derail the benefits of the visa in country (Oliver and Wright, 2016). In addition to this, 457 Visa holders are only skilled works their only not more than that. Further, the employees on visa are not permitted the various facilities and benefits from the Australian government as it cannot use the health care service for free and not a member for vote cast. Moreover, they are also bound to pay the tax under the government provisions. It is also reviewed that they are unable to change the job in other stream as they were hired.   Ã‚   457 Visa is introduced as the 20 years before in the year 1996 to bring the high skilled and low skilled workers in the Australian industry market where the employers are facing the challenges in finding the suitable workers for their organization (Sherrell, Wright and Howe, 2017). Therefore, the need for subclass Visa is offered by the employers to get the workers from foreign or overseas market. Basically, this visa is permitted by the Australian government to the verified applicants from the foreign market. It is conceived that the 457 visa holders can misuse the visa by transferring the authority to use for the same. Australian government has changes the policies regarding the 457 visa for its reliable implications. In concern to this, time duration to stay in Australian after complication has been changed (Border, 2014). Immigration minister Peter Dutton has announced that the sponsor employee can live in the country when his proposed occupation completed only for 60 days. In ad dition to this, the previous time period was 90 days and it has reduced by 30 days for the 457 visa holders. It is contempt that if an employee from overseas stay in the county on the supplement of the Australian people so it impacts the opportunity for the domestic workers which indirectly influence the economic consideration for long time and creates huge challenges for the Australian labor market (Border, 2017). Along with this, government has made the changes in the immigration policy and it would be difficult for the workers to extend the time duration for being in the Australia. Along with this, two different streams would be offered to the 457 visa holders those are going on the sponsorship, one is short -term would be for two years and long –term would be for four years as it was four years only before amendments (NEWS, 2017). Moreover, the government has reduced the number of job for the subclass 457 visa holders overseas. From the market analysis, it is analyzed tha t some of skilled people such as chefs, cooks and food manager is difficult to find so these area would be flexible. Apart from this, the time duration for the immigrants to hunt another job after completion of the sponsor job has also been extended by 28 days to 90 days (Larsen, 2013). Meanwhile, it can revamped that the amendments that has been made only restricting the overseas workers and increasing or liberalizing the policies to do work in the country.    Along with this, the government trying to give much priority to the domestic skilled workers rather than foreign workers because the immigrant for long time span are creating more competition for the Australian workers so in terms of reducing the competition government has more focused on the national priority. Apart from this, the Australian government has started training programme for the Australian workers to enhance the compatibility in the intensive labor market (Waldron and Ali, 2016). Further, the government would impose more restriction on the process of sponsorship and unlawful activities would be penalized. Further, the immigration department found out that the call the people from foreign on 457 Visa which is costly and is not effective to resolve the issue for long time so it has adopted the recommendations.   Ã‚   Moreover, English is essential for 457 Visa holders to easily get the grant from the sponsor of Australia and it had the strictness to score in English but as of now amendments it has changed toward flexible procedure for easily migration. In addition to this, it is necessary for the immigrants to track the criminal records for the applicants (Hallandwilcox, 2015). Further, the government has wet the rule for minimum two years of experience in concurrent profession. Some of the changes are implemented for employers such as they need to hire the employee below the age of 45 years while application. Along with this they need to pay the salary at the market rate. 457 Visa has also amended with new legislation as to provide the details of nominations to while an applicant is applying for subclass 457 visa (Fakhoury, 2016). Therefore, these were the proposed amendments that need to be implemented by the government of Australia. Australian government has revamped that the current regulations for the 457 Visa is not appropriate for the mostly Australian workers and economy while foreign immigrants are affecting the domestic workers by holding the job of perspective market (Qiu, 2016). Different amendments would be applied from categorized date.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main aim of the Australian government is to reduce the priority of subclass 457 and strengthen the national people. Basically, these amendments in the 457 Visa would impact the potential Visa holders when they are going on the sponsor basis. At the same time, the employer would also be affected by the new regulations that need to be strictly followed (Anderson, 2017). Moreover, the current visa holder are pursuing in the occupation of Australian market would not be impacted. These amendments would affect the business where the business would not be efficiently retaining the talent in the industry for long time. Overall, these amendments and changes benefitted the Australian workers and best interest for them.   On the basis of above analysis in relation to the amendments in the 457 Visa for the subclass, it can be concluded that it would create difficulties for the future business implementation because it would be able to sponsor and retain the skilled workers for the business because of strict law imposing. Further, it would impact somehow current employer, it would be a challenge for new applicants. It can also be concluded that these changes would be directly or indirectly benefit the Australian skilled workers and subtle the industry to prepare the domestic labor to reduce the competition in the prevailing market dilemma. Anderson, S. (2017) Government abolishing 457 visas, Malcolm Turnbull says. [Online]. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-04-18/government-abolishing-457-visas/8450310 (Accessed: 19 May 2017). Bales, R., Alizia, L., Banno, M., Jockel, M., Pang, M. and Tso, C. (2017) Translational Employment Trends In Four- Pacific Countries. UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal, 34(1), pp. 1-46.  Ã‚   Berg, L. (2015) Migrant Rights at Work: Law's precariousness at the intersection of immigration and labour. UK: Routledge.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Border, (2014) Australia’s Migration Trends 2012–13. [Online]. Available at: https://www.border.gov.au/LegacyPagesandAboutUs/Documents/statistics/migration-trends-2012-13.pdf (Accessed: 19 May 2017). Border, (2017) Abolition and replacement of the 457 visa – Government reforms to employer sponsored skilled migration visas. [Online]. Available at: https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/457-abolition-replacement (Accessed: 19 May 2017).   Breen, F. (2016) Australian Immigration Policy in Practice: a case study of skill recognition and qualification transferability amongst Irish 457 visa holders. Australian Geographer, 47(4), pp. 491-509.   Breen, F. (2016) Australian Immigration Policy in Practice: acase study of skill recognition and qualification transferability amongst Irish 457 visa holders. Australian Geographer, pp. 1-20.   Oliver, D. and Wright, C. (2016) Australia’s shifting skills ecosystem: Contemporary challenges in education, training and immigration' in Industrial Relations Reform: Looking to the Future. Federation Press, Sydney, pp. 163-186. Fakhoury, R. (2016) Australia: Subclass 457 Visa Program Amended Under New Legislation - Week Of April 18 th . [Online]. Available at: https://www.mondaq.com/australia/x/535658/work+visas/AUSTRALIA+Subclass+457+Visa+Program+Amended+Under+New+Legislation (Accessed: 19 May 2017).     Ã‚  Ã‚   Hallandwilcox, (2015) Guide for sponsoring skilled personnel to Australia – the 457 visa. [Online]. Available at: https://www.hallandwilcox.com.au/guide-for-sponsoring-skilled-personnel-to-australia-the-457-visa/ (Accessed: 19 May 2017).   Larsen, G. (2013) The subclass 457 visa: a quick guide. [Online]. Available at: https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1314/QG/Subclass457Visa (Accessed: 19 May 2017).   Mares, P. (2016) Unintended Consequences of Temporary Migration to Australia. Unintended Consequences: The impact of migration law and policy, pp. 81.   NEWS, (2017) What you need to know about the 457 visa changes.   [Online]. Available at: https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-457-visa-changes/news-story/3894724396a5c7f99491c961ae9b8088 (Accessed: 19 May 2017).   Patty, A. (2017) Are the 457 visa reforms an illusion act? [Online]. Available at: https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace-relations/are-the-457-visa-reforms-an-illusion-act-20170420-gvokqk.html (Accessed: 19 May 2017).   Qiu, L. (2016) Australia: New policy changes to sponsoring 457 workers. [Online]. Available at: https://www.mondaq.com/australia/x/507964/work+visas/New+policy+changes+to+sponsoring+457+workers (Accessed: 19 May 2017).   Sherrell, H., Wright, F. and Howe, J. (2017) 457 abolished: How the Temporary Skill Shortage Visa works. [Online]. Available at: https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/457-abolished-how-the-temporary-skill-shortage-visa-works/news-story/3e761090198b6d12b8baddab9c77dc1a (Accessed: 19 May 2017).      Smith, D., Payne, D., Horne, M., & Claridge, D. (2016) Developments in Australian migration. Canadian Studies in Population, 43(1-2), pp. 117-145. Waldron, D. and Ali, S. (2016) New Australian 457 visa rules announced for January 2017. [Online]. Available at: https://www.workpermit.com/news/new-australian-457-visa-rules-announced-january-2017-20160927 (Accessed: 19 May 2017).  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Postcolonial Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Postcolonial Development - Essay Example Development theories attempt to explain the changes in societies and to provide the tools that can be applied to societies to move them to a better situation or one that is thought to be a better situation. Development has always had an economic connotation, as the Gross National Product (GNP) of the country has been historically used as a measure for growth and development. During the 1950s and 1960s, development initiatives assumed that the "successful methods, techniques, and ways of solving problems and delivering services in the U.S. or other economically advanced countries would prove equally successful in the developing nations." [Rondinelli, Dennis A. et al] So, from the very beginning the developed world and theoreticians progressed on the basis of 'direct transferability' of a successful process. During the 1970s, the European and American multinational companies made a foray into the developing world. With extending their own markets, these MNCs also threatened the indigenous industries in these countries. These events gave rise to two theories - the Dependency Theory and the Center Periphery or Metropolis-Satellite Theory. According to dependency theorists such as Paul Baran, Andre Gunther Frank and Fernando Henrique Cardoso, developing countries

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Timbuk2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Timbuk2 - Case Study Example al and a custom made, internet based â€Å"Build Your Own Bag† product.   Timbuk2s concept is rugged and stylish. The timbuk2 website describes Rob’s goal, â€Å"to make a messenger bag rugged enough for real bicycle messengers, yet stylish enough to appeal to a broader market of young, hip urbanites as an alternative to the traditional two-strap day pack. Our catchy name, three-panel design, distinctive ‘swirl’ logo, and the fact that we’re ‘Made in San Francisco’ added to our cachet.† I believe that Timbuk2 got their â€Å"foot in the door† with the messenger bag and captured an exploding market trend. San Francisco being the birthplace of the messenger trend and supposedly the most hard core riding environment gives the company credibility and edge. In my opinion, the key competitive dimensions driving sales for the messenger bags are quality, delivery speed, ability to cope with changes in demand, flexibility and new product introduction speed. The Quality Guarantee Timbuk2 offers is extremely generous and screams confidence. The company encourages customers that these bags â€Å"wear like hell†(paper on timbuk2). The â€Å"2-3 shipping days† policy for a custom made bag is evidence of the company’s delivery speed competitive dimension. This is extremely fast turnaround time for a fairly big corporation and proves this company has a fine tuned operation with close management, further solidifying the quality of its products. Timbuk2’s Brennan Mulligan focused on â€Å"Lean manufacturing† and â€Å"Mass customization† (paper). He determined that emphasizing on waste elimination and improving quality, he was able to accomplish smaller batch sizes. Once batch sizes as small as one bag, were achieved, Timbuk2 would be able to meet and cope with changes in demand. With lots of hard work and the acquisition of more machines, Timbuk2 accomplished this. We can ac credit Timbuk2s final competitive dimensions, flexibility and new product introduction speed, to small batch sizes as well. Timbuk2 found cells of 5 workers, each one seeing a bag from start to completion, to be most efficient. This system ensured detailed attention to each bag, and whether or not a bag was a new design, the process would remain nearly the same. In my opinion, the competitive priorities for the bags manufactured in China, appear the same, however in reality the manufacturing process is pretty different. I feel that Timbuk2 has already captured a reputation with the concepts they emphasize, â€Å"Rugged and Stylish†, â€Å"hardcore†, â€Å"designed by messengers and made in San Francisco†. People already see this image when they hear Timbuk2. Some dye

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Richard Wagamese Review Essay Example for Free

Richard Wagamese Review Essay Richard Wagamese, Canadian author who wrote the book â€Å" Indian Horse† came to speak at Acadia. I was blown away from his speech. He came to the podium, humble and spoke in his native language. He then translated what he had said, welcoming and thanking everyone in the audience. Wagamese then began retelling his past. He started off with the 60’s scoop, being one of the victims and taken away to a white foster family. He described to have lost family name and his identity. Wagamese faced many hardships in his new home. He described his first feelings of abuse, since he was never hit before; his first hit was so surprising he didn’t know what to feel. Then in school kids would bully him for being â€Å"slow†, for not being able to spell the alphabet. No one taught him how to learn, and so he tried to learn all by himself. Then, Wagamese told the audience about a particular teacher. She was the one who stuck with him, discovered his terrible vision, got him glasses, and patiently taught him everyday the alphabet. â€Å"Hold on to that story,† Wagamese said. He fast forwarded until he was sixteen. When he discovered he had the rights to leave the foster home. He left, stranded on the streets and starving for food. One night he found a place to sleep. He put his ‘nice’ pair of shoes on the side of his head and the next morning they were gone. In March with winter just lifting off and only a pair of socks on, he marched through the wet slush. Along the way a man selflessly helped Wagamese dry off and warm up with a couple of cups of coffee. Again he repeated, â€Å"Hold on to that story.† Wagamese moved to another story about a library he visited everyday to educate himself. A librarian noticed him, how he would come and sit for hours and read. Noticing he was hungry, she took a step ahead and left a lunch bag for him to eat. They eventually connected and from then on Wagamese discovered more about the library from the librarian.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hipaa Privacy Rule :: Healthcare Medical Information Privacy

1. Introduction Today, you have more reason than ever to care about the privacy of your medical information. This information was once stored in locked file cabinets and on dusty shelves in the medical records department. Your doctor(s) used to be the sole keeper of your physical and mental health information. With today's usage of electronic medical records software, information discussed in confidence with your doctor(s) will be recorded into electronic data files. The obvious concern - the potential for your records to be seen by hundreds of strangers who work in health care, the insurance industry, and a host of businesses associated with medical organizations. Fortunately, this catastrohic scenario will likely be avoided. Congress addressed growing public concern about privacy and security of personal health data, and in 1996 passed â€Å"The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act† (HIPAA). HIPAA sets the national standard for electronic transfers of health data. Before HIPAA, each state set their own standards. Now states must abide by the minimum standards set by HIPAA. States can enact laws to incorporate and/or strengthen the basic rights given by HIPAA. How HIPAA's Privacy Rule Protects YOU; The Patient Access to your own medical records Prior to HIPAA, access to YOUR medical records were not guaranteed by federal law. Only about half the states had laws giving patients the right to see and copy their own medical records. You may be charged for copies but HIPAA sets fee limits. You Must Be Given Notice Of Privacy Practices How your medical information is used and disclosed must now be given to you. The notice must also tell you how to exercise your rights and how to file a complaint with your health care provider and with the DHHS Office of Civil Rights. HIPAA Requires Accounting of Disclosure Details You have the right to know who has accessed your health records for the prior six years, However there are several exceptions to the accounting requirement. Accounting is not required when records are disclosed to persons who see your records for treatment, payment, and health care operations. These individuals do not need to be listed in the disclosure log. Filing A Complaint If you believe a health care provider or health plan has violated your privacy you have the right to file a complaint with your health care provider and with DHHS. Special Requests For Confidential Communications. You can make special requests specifying how you would like your doctor's office handle confidential communication.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Presenting Your Position Essay

Education is an important tool to personal and professional success at this time of age. More and more companies and organizations choose to hire people who have completed their degrees. It provides the right training and knowledge to people so that they may excel in their chosen fields. The most important aspect of receiving a good education, however, is the improvements it can bring to one’s life. There are others who do not see the importance of a good education. They argue that a person does not need to have a degree in order to be successful in life. They further believe that it only takes determination and perseverance to make it to the top. Because there have been several people who have no academic degrees but are financially successful like Bill Gates (â€Å"Proof M. B. A. s Are Overrated†), people who feel this way about education feel stronger about their stance. However, in reality, education is more important than what most people believe. It is very true that success needs hard work, determination, and perseverance but if a person has these three and a good education, it is more likely that he or she will succeed in life. People who prove be in no need of an education are either very rich or are too smart for school. Looking at the real situation there are only a few people who fall in these two categories and majority of the public do need education in order to succeed and be financially stable. There are also those, particularly teenagers, who believe that receiving education is a waste of time and that they do not have to have degrees in order to have a job. While this is true, differences can be seen from the types of jobs that degree holders can get compared to that of non-degree holders. Most jobs that non-degree holders can apply for are very low-paying and one cannot expect much growth from it. Many companies only promote employees who have completed their education. A good education will provide an individual with the knowledge and experience that he or she needs to enter the corporate world. This is where a person can learn how to make use of his or her talents and maximize these to his or her own full potential. When this is done with the proper attitude, the possibilities are endless. Being educated can also bring about respect from other people. Although it is very discriminating and should not be practiced, educated people are given more attention and that people will hear what they have to say about certain things. It is more likely that people look up to and believe those who have a good education. Education can also lessen poverty and ignorance, which can help improve a nation’s economic status. Aside from these things, there are also numerous other benefits that a person can receive from a good education. Learning how to socialize and interact with others is one of the most essential benefits that attending school can give. Students are exposed to other people who may or may not be different from them and this will teach them important lessons in life. Some may indicate that they can learn from books without the help of others. However, instructors are there for a reason and this is to guide students on the learning process. One can read a book and may understand it but learning is still different when there is someone who can clarify things and provide in-depth analysis of the learnings. Books, especially textbooks for school, are sometimes too complicated without the help of professors. It is not enough to read them and then decide that the person has already learned everything because he or she may have misinterpeted some of the things that the textbook is trying to say. Personally, I believe that a person needs education because of the positive things it can contribute to one’s life and his or her country. Nowadays, due to the influence of media, people have become followers of what they see and hear around them. No one thinks anymore and nobody cares. If people are educated enough, they will have good decision-making skills and will be able to determine what would be good or bad for him or her better. Over the years, the importance of education has been seen and has not yet been replaced by anything else. Education makes one a better person even if it is only in mental terms. Still, one must remember that education is not enough to succeed. Even if the person possesses the best education there is in the whole of the country or world for that matter, if he or she does not have the right amount of determination and strength to survive in the corporate world, then it will amount to nothing. Education should not be taken for granted, especially with the fact that not all people are able to afford it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pushing Paper Can Be Fun Essay

A large city government was putting on a number of seminars for managers of various departments throughout the city. At one of these sessions the topic discussed was motivation—how to motivate public servants to do a good job. The plight of a police captain became the central focus of the discussion: I’ve got a real problem with my officers. They come on the force as young, inexperienced rookies, and we send them out on the street, either in cars or on a beat. They seem to like the contact they have with the public, the action involved in crime prevention, and the apprehension of criminals. They also like helping people out at fires, accidents, and other emergencies. The problem occurs when they get back to the station. They hate to do the paperwork, and because they dislike it, the job is frequently put off or done inadequately. This lack of attention hurts us later on when we get to court. We need clear, factual reports. They must be highly detailed and unambiguous. As soon as one part of a report is shown to be inadequate or incorrect, the rest of the report is suspect. Poor reporting probably causes us to lose more cases than any other factor. I just don’t know how to motivate them to do a better job. We’re in a budget crunch, and I have absolutely no financial rewards at my disposal. In fact, we’ll probably have to lay some people off in the near future. It’s hard for me to make the job interesting and challenging because it isn’t- it’s boring, routine paperwork, and there isn’t much you can do about it. Finally, I can’t say to them that their promotions will hinge on the excellence of their paperwork. First of all, they know it’s not true. If their performance is adequate, most are more likely to get promoted just by staying on the force a certain number of years than for some specific outstanding act. Second, they were trained to do the job they do out in the streets, not to fill out forms. All through their careers the arrests and interventions are what get noticed. Some people have suggested a number of things, like using conviction records as a performance criterion. However, we know that’s not fair—too many other things are involved. Bad paperwork increases the chance that you lose in court, but good paper work doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll win. We tried setting up team competitions based on the excellence of the reports, but the officers caught on to that pretty quickly. No one was getting any type of reward for winning the competition, and they figured why they should bust a  gut when there was no payoff. I just don’t know what to do.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Pay for Performance in the NFL Essay Example

Pay for Performance in the NFL Essay Example Pay for Performance in the NFL Paper Pay for Performance in the NFL Paper Statistics Project Pay for Performance in the NFL Introduction Pay for performance is a common theme throughout almost all organizations. Merit increases, performance bonuses for executives, and commissions for real estate salespeople are common examples of this concept. Even teachers’ pay in some states is linked to performance of their students. According to the Washington Post, the state of Florida instituted a policy that individual teacher’s raises and performance starting in 2007 will be tied directly to student’s scores on standardized tests. This pay for performance concept has generally been accepted by the new Obama administration and may make its way into more common usage across the United States. In corporate America, examples of pay for performance are quite common, especially for top executives. Most year end bonuses are based on individuals meeting certain criteria established by the board of directors. These bonuses can be quite substantial. According to the Proxy Statement for Meredith Corporation, the total executive bonuses for the year 2007 exceeded $2. 5 million dollars. While pay for performance seems a reasonable concept in general, it is not without its critics. In education, there are a number of critics that question the fairness of the standardized test score results as a measure of teacher performance. They worry about teaching towards the exam at the expense of the overall education of the student. The criticism from Congress and much of the population of the United States over the bonuses paid to AIG executives questions how performance is actually measured. This paper will attempt to partially address the issue of pay for performance in professional sport, specifically in the National Football League. Many different positions in football are difficult to obtain good performance measures. Offensive lineman, special teams players especially do not have good measures of individual performance that are tracked. This analysis will focuses on two groups of NFL players, quarterbacks and running backs where individual performance measures are readily available. Analytical Technique A correlation study will be done on a variety of performance measures and the salaries of both NFL quarterbacks and running backs to see which of the individual performance measures are most closely related to the individuals salaries. The assumption will be that the current salary is based on last year’s performance. In addition to the correlation study, a multiple regression model with the best performance measures will be used to explain the relationship between the measures and salaries. This could be potentially used as a basis of predicting next year’s salary for those players that are in contract discussions or are entering the market as free agents. The data for the study will be obtained from two primary sources, ESPN. com which tracks player performance measures for a number of years, and USATODAY. com for player salaries. Professional football players are compensated in a number of ways, base salary, signing bonus, and other bonuses. This study will be using base salary as the pay in the pay for performance analysis. Performance measures for quarterbacks will include: completion percentage, total passing yardage, touchdown completions, interceptions, and finally QB rating. Performance measures for running backs will include: total yards, yards per game, touchdowns, and fumbles lost. While other measures are collected it is felt that these are the most appropriate performance measures to use for both categories of NFL players. A sample of 22 NFL quarterbacks from the 2007 season was selected while a sample of 13 NFL running backs from 2007 was used. RESULTS NFL quarterbacks: Pearson’s correlation coefficients for all variables in the study were run and are presented in the table below: |   |PCT |YDS |TD |INT |RAT |Salary | |PCT |1 | | | | | | |YDS |0. 43677 |1 | | | | | |TD |0. 230412 |0. 843951 |1 | | | | |INT |-0. 31751 |0. 475031 |0. 247018 |1 | | | |RAT |0. 639073 |0. 45897 |0. 703364 |-0. 41675 |1 | | |2008 Salary |0. 211532 |0. 562896 |0. 428047 |0. 276031 |0. 265671 |1 | As can be seen in the above table the strongest correlation exists between salary and total yards passing (0. 562896) and the number of touchdowns (0. 428047). The other variables have very weak relationships between themselves and salary and will be excluded from further analysis. It seems that only total passing yards is an important variable in understanding the relationship between quarterback’s salary and on field performance. A second part of the study is to use a regression model to predict the next periods salary for free agents and other players whose contracts are up for negotiation. It could be a valuable tool in beginning negotiations between the player and team owner. Since only two variables had anything more than a very weak relationship with salary, two regressions will be run. The first is a simple linear regression with yards passing as the independent variable and the second is a multiple regression with number of touchdowns included. The regression analysis is presented below: Simple linear regression using yards: |Regression Statistics | | | | |Multiple R |0. 62896387 | | | | |R Square |0. 316852343 | | | | |Observations |22 | | | | | | | | | | |   |Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P-value | |Intercept |-1267325. 07 |1976273. 783 |-0. 64127 |0. 528628 | |YDS |1839. 467659 |603. 9569583 |3. 045693 |0. 006383 | Multiple regression using yards and touchdowns: |Regression Statistics | | | | |Multiple R |0. 569677436 | | | | |R Square |0. 24532381 | | | | |Observations |22 | | | | | | | | | | |   |Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P-value | |In tercept |-1596606. 7 |2137031. 816 |-0. 747114146 |0. 464141 | |YDS |2290. 32518 |1148. 639878 |1. 993690591 |0. 060741 | |TD |-50963. 9896 |109649. 6343 |0. 464789417 |0. 647365 | The multiple regression will be excluded from use because the sign of the coefficient is negative, implying that the more touchdowns thrown the lower the salary. This is not logical. The most likely cause is that relationship between total yards passing and touchdowns is stronger than the correlation between touchdowns and salary. This could cause the regression coefficient for touchdowns to be unreliable. The regression equation provides only marginal explanatory power, based on the R square this equation using total yards only explains 31. 68% of salary for an NFL quarterback leaving over 68% of salary unexplained. It usefulness as a tool in negotiation would seem to be very limited. NFL running backs: Pearson’s correlation coefficients for all variables in the study were run and are presented in the table below    |YDS |AVG |TD |FUM |Salary | |YDS |1 | | | | | |AVG |0. 196119 |1 | | | | |TD |0. 382323 |0. 466749 |1 | | | |FUM |0. 017765 |0. 069592 |-0. 31995 |1 | | |Salary |0. 571773 |0. 260196 |0. 38083 |-0. 05109 |1 | Only the total yards gained seem to have anything but a weak relationship with salary. The number of touchdowns being somewhat explanatory of salary and will be used in the multiple regression. Since only two variables had anything more than a very weak relationship with salary, two regressions will be run. The first is a simple linear regression with yards rushing as the independent variable and the second is a multiple regression with number of touchdowns included as well. The regression analysis is presented below: Simple linear regression using yards: Regression Statistics | | | | |Multiple R |0. 57177269 | | | | |R Square |0. 326924009 | | | | | | | | | | |   |Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P-value | |Intercept |-1273523. 69 |1812128. 448 |-0. 702777759 |0. 496798 | |YDS |3659. 184626 |1583. 057254 |2. 311467016 |0. 041192 | Multiple regression using yards and touchdowns: |Regression Statistics | | | | |Multiple R |0. 598119739 | | | | |R Square |0. 57747222 | | | | |Ob servations |13 | | | | | | | | | | |   |Coefficients |Standard Error |t Stat |P-value | |Intercept |-1191870. 48 |1860286. 025 |-0. 64069 |0. 536128 | |YDS |3194. 299878 |1755. 207634 |1. 819899 |0. 098793 | |TD |64585. 6109 |93229. 10033 |0. 692765 |0. 504227 | The multiple regression will be used since it is marginally better in explanatory power than the simple regression model The regression equation provides only marginal explanatory power, based on the R square this equation using total yards only explains 35. 77% of salary for an NFL quarterback leaving over 64% of salary unexplained. It usefulness as a tool in negotiation would seem to be very limited. Conclusion While there seems to be a relationship between player salaries and total yardage for both quarterbacks and running backs, the relationship is not very strong. The use of individual statistics does not seem to explain the greatest proportion of player salaries. It does not seem as if trying to use individual performance measures provides much important information on the value of the player to the team as measured by salary. This could be due to a number of issues. Possibly base salary is not the appropriate measure for player compensation. Maybe the owners look at improvement in individual performance measures over time or the average of the performance measures over time. We also need to consider that qualitative factors play a role in player salaries. It could be the so called â€Å"star power† of the player as an entertainment value. Or maybe the owners do not look at the individual statistics but rather the ability of the player to improve overall team performance. Is the owner actually looking at numbers put up by the player or is the owner estimating how many more games can we win by having this player? Sample Data Quarteracks |NAME |PCT |YDS |TD |INT |RAT |salary | |Tom Brady QB, NWE |68. 9 |4806 |50 |8 |117. | |Tomlinson RB, SDG |1474 |4. 7 |15 |0 |$5,750,000 | | Peterson RB, MIN |1341 |5. 6 |12 |4 |$2,821,320 | |Willie Parker RB, PIT |1316 |4. 1 |2 |4 |$2,900,000 | |Jamal Lewis RB, CLE |1304 |4. 4 |9 |4 |$1,400,000 | |E. James RB, ARI |1222 |3. 8 |7 |4 |$5,000,000 | |Fred Taylor RB, JAC |1202 |5. 4 |5 |2 |$4,000,000 | |Thomas Jones RB, NYJ |1119 |3. |1 |2 |$2,000,000 | |M. Lynch RB, BUF |1115 |4 |7 |1 |$2,635,770 | |Frank Gore RB, SFO |1102 |4. 2 |5 |3 |$2,562,000 | |E. Graham RB, TAM |898 |4 |10 |0 |$1,500,000 | |D. Foster RB, CAR |876 |3. 5 |3 |5 |$1,903,120 | |C. Taylor RB, MIN |844 |5. 4 |7 |5 |$3,000,000 | |L. Maroney RB, NWE |835 |4. 5 |6 |0 |$1,571,720 |

Monday, November 4, 2019

Unit 2 module Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Unit 2 module - Assignment Example The opposite is true in the case of unfavorable variance, where the amount set aside in the budget is less than the actual expenses to get met. For this case, the organization will experience budget deficit, and some items in the budget will get forgone or postponed unless borrowing or further funding get undertaken by the firm. c) Some variances are usually nil or zero. This arises from the accurate budget estimation done by the organization. Favorable and unfavorable variances often result from an organization’s lack of the exact projection or rather forecasting on the accrual expense in its various variables, both patient and non-patient revenues. Other also arises from an organization’s failure to give the estimate on the exact value of the expenses, both personal and non-personal, and the income over or under expenses. d) The possible primary cause of favorable variance is the organizations overestimation on the actual price of the particular variable. It can also arise as fall in the future price or cost of the particular variable, such that relatively the budgeted value is higher than the real value. As a result of this, the estimated value exceeds the actual value leading to a positive difference, which, in this case, is the favorable variance. The possible primary cause of unfavorable variance is underestimation of the real future price of the particular variable, for example, net salaries and wages. The other possible cause is the increase in the future price or cost of the particular variable, such that the budgeted value is relatively lesser than the actual value. For these two cases, the amount set aside for the budget ends up getting lower than the real value of the variable, hence a negative difference, which results in unfavorable variances. e) Positive variances are always favorable. This

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Gay Marriage - Research Paper Example The following are the approaches that have been used to attempt to solve the standoff. 1. Political Approach The gay community has been needlessly subjected to negative tagging by the ‘straight.’ This has left authorities with no choice but to adjust the law in order to protect this minority group from intolerant and homophobic treatments. But is it true that the gay are victims of homophobia and intolerance from the straight society? â€Å"Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals †¦ sometimes leading to acts of violence and expressions of hostility.† (Anti-Defamation League, 2001). Fear and hatred of homosexuals is something that should be condemned in bold letters. Supporting Proposition 8 therefore exposes the gay to unjust and unfair treatment. However, only extremist individuals and groups come to this extent of being out-rightly insolent against the gay-and this is totally unacceptable. If someone is peacefully expressing their opinion against ho mosexuality because they think it is wrong, should they be termed intolerant and homophobic? If a church-based organization says it cannot admit gay individuals because its value system does not allow such, is that intolerance? Not any more than than Tyson (Meat Company) can join the American Vegetarian Association! It is not intolerant, it is just plain unreasonable. Cost of Implementation Not everyone who opposes homosexuality hates or fears the gay: they are simply expressing their opinion and practicing their freedom of expression. Apparently, the gay are cushioned by the law, such that they can get away with something that other people don’t. For instance, is it not ‘freedom of expression’ to talk against religion and the religious, but not against homosexuality? Jennifer Roback says, â€Å"I’m voting ‘yes’ on 8, not because of my views of gays and lesbians, but because of my views about marriage. I view marriage as a gender-based instit ution that attaches mothers and fathers to each other and to their children.† (Jennifer Roback, November 1 2008). Is it fair and just to have children in a situation where they cannot utter ‘mum’ or ‘dad’, because we adults have disordered these roles? Would a child feel the same way if they were cuddled in the bosom of a ‘male mother’ as they would in that of a ‘real’ mother? No one has the right to abuse homosexuals, but opposing them does not amount to discriminating against them. Rejecting Proposition 8 amounts to giving the gay way too much liberty at the expense of others-especially children; and criminalizing rather honest and kind opinions. 2. Sociological Approach Maggie Gallagher and Joshua K. Baker seem to reject the proposition by positing that gay marriages have no negative implication on the society. They assert that â€Å"†¦ children raised by lesbian and gay parents†¦ do as well if not better than c hildren raised by heterosexual parents† emotionally, socially and educationally. (Gallagher, Maggie and Joshua K. Blake, Pg 2). They posit that the gender of the parents does not matter; provided love, care and protection thrive in the family unit. However, they point at the immense significance there is in a traditional family by admitting that marriage is more than a private emotional relationship. â€Å"It is also a social good; †¦

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Family Law - Final Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Family Law - Final Proposal - Essay Example Recently, the Family Law Act, 1996 is a plus to this development of personal law in Britain, particularly in the field of divorce. The Family Law Act, 1996 enacted in Britain with a view to give effect in matters relating to divorce represents some issues that deserve proper explanation. So, reasonably, in this regard the issues to be explained may be stated in this study: The Purpose of the present study is mainly centred on some specific issues. The Researcher intends to make a thorough study over the deficiencies reflected in the present law of divorce; divorce law reforms attempted in the Family Law Act, 1996. By this effort, the Researcher aims at exploring the defects posed in the present divorce legislation. Consequently, the Researcher would be very much capable to keenly single out the impediments in effectively implementing the divorce law of England. Pertinently, the Researcher would be able to recommend some eclectic and viable suggestions and guidelines that would ensure a paradigm-breaking change in the current divorce legislation in England. As a result, it would make the avenue in introducing a new divorce regime in England that is very much fit to adjust with the changing circumstances in 21st century in England. With the emergence of urbanization and process of development human life has become complex. People are being riddled with multifarious complicacies. For this, social disorganization has been the common phenomenon that is severely causing the normal upgrowing of balanced human conduct. As our interest is mainly attributed to divorce legislation, proper clarification i.e. specifying and defining the terms Divorce and Divorce Proceedings is essential. Divorce means dissolving the marital relationship. So, divorce proceeding imply the proceeding that is undertaken with a view to dissolve the marital relationship or end the conjugal ties. The growth in lone parent families, the prevalence of divorce and remarriage, and alternative ways of managing intimate relationships (such as cohabitation and 'living apart together') have eroded the normative purchase of marriage and the nuclear family (Dey & Wasoff, 2006). It is needless to say that the consequences of family break-down are jeopardizing the social cohesion. Frustration and social disorder are causing serious effects on the human conduct and social regulation. In fact, the development of divorce law is a continuous effort since 1857. As an inseparable part of this undertaking, the relevant enactments are the Marriage Act, 1949 and the Matrimonial Causes Act, 1973 are of special mention. Recently, the enactment of the Family Law Act, 1996 is the way of root to this development. The provisions as set out in those statutes put emphasis on preserving the interests of both parties so that none can be affected. It also stresses on mediation, welfare of the children, provisions escaping the financial hardship of either parties. Though the recent enactment the Family Law Act, 1996 is considered as a significant enactment, it lacks certain shortcomings. As a result, the divorce reform attempts introduced in the said enactments has been proved fu tile and unfructuous that has been rigorously produced in our study. 4. CRITICAL ANALYSIS The Family Law Act,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Challenges of the Twenty-Year Veteran Seeking Federal Employment Research Proposal

Challenges of the Twenty-Year Veteran Seeking Federal Employment - Research Proposal Example The paper tells that the Federal Executive branch has been recognized to be the principal owner with regard to Veteran employees in the United States. A huge number of Veterans are believed to be engaged presently in different agencies throughout the country as well as the world. The Federal government is learnt to comprise augmented number of Veterans as its employees in comparison to the other private segments. It has been further found that the Federal government even plans to increase its recruitment of Veterans in the various fields of services. Employing Veterans by the government is not only considered to be morally appropriate but is also believed to be advantageous from the business point of view. It is considered to be quite beneficial as the government is often believed to put in noteworthy amount of resources for the reason of training as well as development with regard to the military service workforce. The insistent steps taken towards keeping hold of the evolutionary m ilitary service workforce within the government aid in making the most of their return on the made investments. This also facilitates the government to make recruitments and fill up the places that entails higher requirements in the Federal agencies. The twenty-year veterans’ were found to witness challenges while seeking federal employment after the completion of their service in the armed forces. This is proving to be discouraging for the twenty-year veterans’ as they are being held back from leading a normal life post service. The main challenges faced by the twenty-year veterans’ along with the causes are considered to be the problem which is aimed to be explored in this study. Purpose Statement The purpose of this study will be to focus on the various challenges faced by the twenty-year veterans while seeking federal employment. The study will also intent to identify the causes triggering the challenges along with suggesting suitable solutions. Conceptual T heoretical Framework The aim of this research will be to identify the challenges faced by the twenty-year veterans while looking for federal employment. The research will relate to the laws favoring the appointment of twenty-year veterans’ in federal employment and the other relevant laws related to the preference and disabilities along with the needed steps that is required to be undertaken in this context. Research Questions The research questions in relation to the topic of the research identified are: The kind of challenges witnessed by the veterans’ The role of the Veterans’ Preference Laws in overcoming the challenges Literature Review From the time period with regard to the Civil War, considerable extents of preference in the course of selection in relation to the Federal jobs are being provided to the Veterans related to the Armed Forces. Taking into consideration the degree of sacrifices made with regard to those individuals offering their services in t he field of Armed Forces, the Congress passed laws with the intention to avoid or check veterans on the lookout for Federal service from being reprimanded owing to the amount of time spent by an individual in the field of military service (Howell, 2011). According to the regulations, the physically disabled veterans or the ones who rendered their respective service in relation to dynamic responsibility with regard to the Armed Forces in the course of definite particular time phases or even in military movements would enjoy certain

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Capitalizing Human Resources In Company Management Essay

Capitalizing Human Resources In Company Management Essay Since the intellectual capital has gradually transformed into one of the most important assets valued by the companies, the system of the applicable accounting practices that refers to human resource capitalization is subject to thorough research (Guthrie, 2001). In 2003 Ken Lewis, HR Director of Co-operative Financial Services made the following statement: We believe that measuring and reporting on the contribution of our people to the business provides a tremendous opportunity to share and enshrine best practice, improving the competitiveness and performance of UK business in both national and global markets (cited in Accounting for People, 2003, p.21). The research paper outlines and analyzes the pros and cons of capitalizing human resources (HR) through human resource accounting in companys financial statements. The importance of HR capitalization The rapid development of corporate sector (in particular service-oriented companies) in the well-developed economies of the world within the conditions of the knowledge economy of the 21st century has necessitated the reconsideration of the applicable accounting practices, policies and procedures. In particular, human capital and its intellectual potential are considered as the core assets of the service companies. Many companies owe their successes, profitability and competitive advantages namely to the quality of their HR performance (Brooking, 1996). Thus, to a large extent, the successfulness of most of the service companies in almost every industry directly depends on the quality of staff they hire, retain and develop. Much of the corporate investment therefore is directed to the staff training and empowerment to ensure the high level of both individual and team performance within a company (Robbins, 2001). Many studies have so far shown that particularly service companies that capitalize their human assets are better valued in terms of return on investment thereon. In particular, the expenditures of quoted service companies on their human resources (including staff selection, recruitment, education, training, welfare, subsistence allowance and pension fund contributions etc) are better accounted for providing they are capitalized. Thus, most of the studies recommend the companies to capitalize their human resources and report all their human resource expenditures which improve the productivity and quality of companys performance (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997). Proper HR management and HR capitalization in particular are important within the gradual transformation towards the knowledge-based economy which requires the transparency of inner corporate procedures and processes that relate to the accounting of companys assets. Since the knowledge-based economies are mainly dominated by the service-oriented companies, their major assets are knowledge, skills, expertise and talented and dedicated workers capable to improve companys performance. Since HR investment enhance service companies competitive advantage, the expenditures on HR account for more than 50% of their revenues (Guthrie, 2001). The accounting of the human capital should therefore be recognized and applied in the financial reports. In accordance with the traditionally applied accounting procedures, all expenditures related to the advancement of HR intellectual development are considered as an expense (Newman, 1999). Such approach erroneously regards HR contributions as unimportant beyond the current period assuming that individual knowledge and skills cannot benefit a company in the future (Steffy and Maurer, 1988). Human Resource Accounting (HRA) as a relevant approach to HE capitalization Over the recent years the corporate sector has evidenced the introduction and development of the innovative concept referred to as Human Resource Accounting (HRA). This is largely because companies pay particular attention to their HR and perceive this intangible asset as the core factor that directly impacts their performance, profit-making and competitiveness. HRA has forever transformed the traditional approaches of the financial accounting to the value of human resources. The HR capitalization is therefore made by means of HRA which values and report HR as revenue expenditure charged to the direct costs that are incurred as a capital expenditure. Primarily, HRA identifies and reports the capital invested by companies in their HR that are currently not accounted by the traditional accounting practices. Therefore, non-traditional Human Resource Accounting (HRA) approach has been widely applied within the corporate environment to emphasize on the recognition of human resources and t he capitalization of this asset. By and large, HRA stands for the process of attributing monetary (tangible) value to human resources and its recognition as an asset in the corporate financial statements. The application of HRA in the modern corporate practice is mainly driven by the shift of HR management towards the empowerment of employees knowledge and skills. In fact, many companies value their human resources more compared to the other assets they possess since they deem that competent and dedicated individual and team performance is the key to companys success and profitability (Guthrie, 2001). Taking this into account, Kodwani and Tiwari (2007) state that contrary to traditional accounting practice, HRA is the relevant framework that objectively identifies, capitalizes, and reports the expenditure spent on HR. HRA advantages As one of the newest accounting techniques, HRA extends the traditionally applied accounting principles that match the revenues and costs to quantify the value of HR and help corporate management achieve the required equilibrium with regard to HR practices. In particular, HRA benefits corporate management, employees and financial analysts by: (1) Utilizing and planning HR as an asset; (2) Distributing available resources required for HR transfer, training, retrenchment, and promotion; (3) Evaluating the costs incurred for the training sessions for HR and the potential benefits they will bring a company; (4) Enabling low return on investment, including thee improper utilization of HR; (5) Preventing high levels of absenteeism and turnover at the workplace; (6) Assisting investors concerned about making long-term investments in companys business; (7) Comprehending and assessing the inner working environment and the potential of corporate management; (8) Improving HR individual and team performance and the bargaining power of HR; (9) Creating proper background for the effective and relevant management decisions about hiring, maintain and developing HR that would help a company reach its strategic goals; (10) Making each single employee understand their individual role and contribution in the advancement of expenditure incurred by a company; (11) Monitoring the process of HR management; (12) Aiding corporate management and the decision-making processes to further advance companys financial practices; and (12) Analyzing the appreciating human capital in a company (Roslender, 2004). HRA disadvantages On the other hand, many companies oppose HR capitalization. This is mainly due to the fact that HRA is the system that combines accounting techniques and methods that are aimed to assist personnel management while valuating knowledge, skills and potential of HR as well as their motivation to serve the corporate goals in a dedicated manner. From the financial perspective, this indicates that many companies perceive their employees as liability rather than HR. Indeed, there are various limitations which deter corporate management from introduce HRA in many companies. The apparent disadvantages of HR capitalization through HRA are as follows: (1) Absence of clear guidelines and procedures that regulate the allocation of costs required to capitalize HR in a company; (2) Impossibility of adequate HR valuation due to the uncertainty of HR existence within a company (this drawback is explained by high levels of turnover in many companies which makes it impossible to define long-term HR strategies for the future periods of a companys operation); (3) Currently applicable HR capitalization systems are featured by numerous drawbacks; (4) HR are not physical assets and therefore cannot be utilized, owned or retained; therefore corporate management in many companies fails to treat HR as definite asset (for instance, tax legislation does not recognize HR as assets); (5) Lack of empirical evidence of HRA effectiveness as a management tool applied to facilitate HR management; (6) Trade unions fear that HR capitalization will make employees demand additional compensation and rewards in line with HRA valuations; and finally (7) HR capitalization is not a subject to the universally accepted approach, and this fact alone makes its empirical implementation rather complicated. The abovementioned drawbacks prove that the current practice of accounting cannot place value on knowledge, skills and employee capabilities as they are regarded as intangible assets (Robbins, 2001). Conclusion The research has evidenced that the overwhelming majority of competitive service-oriented companies regard HR as their major asset. The nature of HR investment assumes that the core features of human capital require companies to capitalize them. Such a necessity is explained due the impact of the investment on the individual performance of the employees which can potentially benefit a companys overall success during the future accounting periods (Guthrie, 2001). Overall, service companies are better valued providing that their HR values are recognized through the capitalization of the relevant investments (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997). The spotted drawbacks of HRA, however, evidence that currently there are many procedural complications related to the HR capitalization which make many companies reject this accounting approach. Nonetheless, the findings of the recent empirical studies suggest that the quoted service companies should acquire HR capitalization methods and report their HR expenditures which improve the productivity and quality of their performance. Therefore, HR capitalization is indispensable and important component of corporate competitiveness as it benefits companies market capitalization and share prices (Adams and Roberts, 1993).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Use of Angels in Smith’s Annunciation and Plath’s Black Rook in Rainy W

Use of Angels in Smith’s Annunciation and Plath’s Black Rook in Rainy Weather  Ã‚   Since biblical times, people have looked to angels as sources of comfort, inspiration, protection, and solace. Yet very little is said in the Bible about what angels actually are; the Bible focuses mainly on their deeds, and leaves their nature to the imagination. Consequently, few people really understand them, and the very notion of angels is a rather open-ended idea subject to personal interpretation and design. Poets, never ones to let a chance at interpretation go by, have written about angels, using them as both subject and metaphor. Two poems of note where angels are used as metaphors are "Annunciation", by Kay Smith and "Black Rook in Rainy Weather", by Sylvia Plath. In these poems, angels are referenced not for their own sake, but rather for the metaphorical meanings which the reader may glean from them. In "Annunciation", Smith uses an angel to represent greatness left pursued yet unattained a life, while Plath uses angels to represent unusual occurences which brighten or a dd meaning to an otherwise dreary life. "Annunciation" begins with a note about the standard artistic depiction of the Annunciation, in which the angel Gabriel appears to the Virgin Mary to declare that she will be the Mother of God. Smith notes that in paintings of the event, Mary is always reading a book; she seems trying to keep her place in the book, despite the arrival and great presence of Gabriel. In the poem, Smith herself paints a portrait of a young girl at a crossroads: two girls at a museum in Italy on some sort of trip. "We two sometimes women" (line 20) implies that the girls are fairly young, but since they seem to be alone together they have likel... ...vene in the lives of the faithful in times of trial. Plath uses angels as a metaphor for strength and hope in a time of darkness. Angels are so commonly felt but poorly understood that it is possible to attach many different meanings to them. In poetry, angels can represent a spectrum of ideas and feelings, from awe to hope to strength to fear, just to list a few examples. In "Annunciation", Kay Smith uses the majesty and biblical significance of the angel Gabriel to represent a feeling of greatness and destiny that the speaker let slip through her grasp. In "Black Rook in Rainy Weather", Sylvia Plath uses angels to symbolize the brightness and hope that make an otherwise bleak and dreary life livable. Clearly, angels, like our lives themselves, can have whatever meaning we choose endow upon them. "In the arms of the angels, may you find some comfort here."

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ethics Position Paper

Ethics Position Paper Q575 – Dr. Elliot June 7, 2010 University of Phoenix Introduction Today, people can make decisions that can have a profoundly positive or negative effect on their family, their employer, coworkers, a nation, and even on the entire world. The life we lead whether professional or personal reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. Ethics are different for each person both on a professional and personal level. For the most part, people want to be known as a good person, someone who can be trusted, and that he or she is concerned about his or her relationships and personal reputations. I therefore conclude that professional ethics are indeed influenced by personal ethics and values. Although professional ethics guidelines are provided by our government (federal and local), employer and education, personal values and ethics are also considered at the same time. What are Ethics? Let’s begin with the definition of ethics. Ethics can be defined with more than one meaning based upon the context and subject it is being used. In philosophy, ethics is the study and evaluation of human conduct in the light of moral principles. Moral principles may be viewed either as the standard of conduct that individuals have constructed for themselves or as the body of obligations and duties that a particular society requires of its members. A second definition or meaning of ethics is motivation-based on ideas of right and wrong. Portman defines ethics as â€Å"standards of conduct, standards that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues, which themselves are derived from principles of right and wrong. In order to apply this definition to practical decision making it is necessary to specify the nature of the moral obligations considered intrinsic to ethical behavior† (http://sun. menloschool. org/~sportman/ethics/definition. html). I agree with this definition in fact I believe that ethics are different for every person due to personal values and experiences. There are general ethics that most people adhere to because of the societal mores and morals we all have been exposed to and abide by. There are also other morals and mores that are picked up along the way that vary between people because of cultures, communities, families, heredity etc. I feel that I may not look at the same situation or case the same as another person and we may never agree upon the same methods to go about resolving an issue. This occurs because we all have differences of opinions and value systems. For example, I have nothing against people who are gay I just do not encourage nor discourage the behavior; I allow others to live their lives according to what is best for them. The same goes with ethics. Although my job may say I must intervene in a situation but my own personal ethics prevent me from acting professionally because I feel people should be allowed to live and learn. Overall, ethics and ethical positions will vary from researcher to researcher because they do not have all of the same goals nor do they see things in the â€Å"same light†. Ethics in Educational Research Although I think that ethics vary between individuals I believe that professional ethics are important in protecting those participants of research. I do not think that research should be based on the personal interests of the researcher but I think every person has a level of discernment that should be used especially when other lives are involved. General ethics play a huge role in education because first education is where ethics are taught. After learning about ethics students can then analyze the ethics they can identify and it soon becomes apparent that ethics are involved in most life situations. As future teacher honesty would be my biggest ethical commitment. I choose honesty because with today’s technology and increased use of online educational institutions, people can copy and paste whatever they need in order to be successful. Student’s academic honesty will help me to give them the accurate grade they deserve and not have to punish students who are caught cheating/plagiarizing information. Ethics also keep researchers from publishing false information and also prevent them from being lazy about the research. Mainly it protects the participants of research and also protects the researcher from being accused of unethical practice if they indeed follow those practices. Ethics and Today I recently heard a report on the news that the World Health Organization is being accused of over exaggerating the Swine flu pandemic. When I first heard about Swine flu I believed that is was a scare tactic in order to get people to get those shots. WHO performed unethically in my opinion however they believe that many people died from this disease and the swine flu should not be minimized. Ethics today are still very important especially when other people’s lives are involved. While some people find it easy to break ethical standards others follow the guidelines and remain neutral. The swine flu pandemic created worried people and families going in masses to get the vaccine. Today we still need ethics because not every has the best interest of others when conducting research. Federal standards require research to abide by ethical standards. It is up to each individual to utilize those standards and incorporate them into personal values that may influence society later. Conclusion Ethics vary from person to person due to the differences in values and cultural backgrounds and even education. We do not all interpret information the same way and therefore will not be able to apply the same amount or ethics in any given situation. Furthermore professional and personal ethics affect each other depending upon the specific situation being researched. Also every subject will yield a different set of ethics and values. Therefore ethics are not only subjective in content but objective in nature. References McMillan, J. , & Schmacher, S. (2006). Ch. 6 Ethical and Legal Considerations. Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc. McMillan, J. , & Schmacher, S. (2006). Ch. 12 Research Ethics: Roles and Reciprocity. Research in Education: Evidence-Based Inquiry, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, Inc. Portman, S. (unknown). What are ethics? Retrieved from http://sun. menloschool. org/~sportman/ethics/definition. html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Impossibility of Auditor Independence

The Impossibility of Auditor Independence Intentional collusion of auditors and their clients is is not the major cause of Audit integrity. Most of the times, auditors find it difficult to become objective. In 1992, Phar-Mor, Inc. drugstore in the United States seeking a court protection from corruption failed a court case. The previous auditors, Coopers & Lybrand, Phar-Mor's failed to state inventory inflation and manipulation of finanicial that lead to overstating of $985 million earnings in a period of three years. The judges found Coopers ; Lybrand answerable for fraud to the joint investors.The attorney for one investor argued that â€Å"this sends a strong signal to the accounting community that investors take very seriously the role of audited financial statements and rely on them for their integrity. â€Å"‘ The investors who successfully sued Coopers & Lybrand contended that Gregory Finerty, the Coopers & Lybrand partner in charge of the Phar-Mor audit, was â€Å"hu ngry for business because he had been passed over for additional profit-sharing in 1988 for failing to sell enough of the firm's services. â€Å"‘ Analysist, argue that Independence of audit was hindered by relationship with the management.Unjustified certification of financial statement like The Phar-Mor case are of many cases where auditors have been held responsible. Investors in the MiniScribe Corporation maintained that auditors were at least partially responsible for the now-defunct company's falsified financial statements; at least one jury agreed, holding the auditors liable to investors for $200 million. In the U. S. financial reporting of savings and loan crisis has led to lose of millions of dollars by audit firms settling lawsuits and out-court suits making them collapse.The accounting profession claim that plaintiffs unjust actions are aimed looking for a convenient â€Å"deep pocket† towards recovery of their unplanned business decisions. The accounting p rofession’s role in financial reporting has experienced low reputation by investors and lenders. How could auditors not see that so many of their savings and loan clients were about to fail? How could a prominent auditing firm with a reputation for integrity overlook such large misstatements in Phar-Max H. Bazerman is the J. Jay Cerber Distinguished Professor of Dispute Resolution and Organizations at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. Kimberly P. Morgan is a certified public accountant and a Ph. D. candidate at the Katz School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. Ceorge F. Loewenstein is professor of economics, department of social and decision sciences, Carnegie Mellon University. First, the auditor-client relationship greatly influences opinions made about financial statement by auditors . Even the most professional auditors find it almost inevitable to maintain independence with the current audit procedures.Imagine situation where p rofessionals deliberate their duty without prejudice at all times. For example doctors treating patients without expecting salary. Teachers in schools guiding learners selflessly. However, teachers, doctors or judges are motivated by their own gains making them vulnerable to impartial judgments and not necessarily corrupt. Auditing mandated to provide direction to shareholders and stakeholders posses big losses in case it fails to detect malpractice in financial statements preparation. The management hire, mandates and even suck auditors.Therefore, auditors serve the interests of their employer hence seem bias. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) states in its Code of Professional Ethics: â€Å"In the performance of any professional service, a member shall maintain integrity, shall be free of conflicts of interest, and shall not knowingly misrepresent facts or subordinate his or her judgment to others. . . . Members should accept the obligation to act in a way that will serve the public interest, honor the public trust, and demonstrate commitment to professionalism. ‘ The code of ethics acknowledges to some extent compromise on integrity and objectivity of the profession. Several parties including stakeholders, business advisors, lenders and financial institutions depend on financial statements to aid in their decision making. The management strives to maintain the reputation of the company. However, temptation to give over-ambition plans and objectives drive the management to give false information about the financial position of the company. This serves to attract external potential customers and takeholders. Financial reporting suffers from unqualified auditors. Reliability, accuracy and objectivity matter a lot in financial statements. Financial statements investigation requires generally accepted standards in accordance with International Standards of Auditing. Unqualified auditors usually communicate wrong presentations about the truth and fairness of accounting. Furthermore, independence cannot be possible in intellectually. Normally, misstatements occur during presentation as auditors interpret the data.Accidentally, false judgment enters the audit reporting without conscience. In the process of reporting and analyzing financial statements false information may be relayed as well. One’s role in presentation of information plays a vital role in terms perception, interests and preference. This subjective factors manipulate facts altering fairness and justice. Inaccurate interpretation of data leads to misleading conclusions. People fall into the trap of distinguishing between personal interests and morality.The rewards participants get in the exercise expose them to difficulty in liberating themselves from bias. In many circumstances, auditors consider the people who might be hurt by their independent opinion on the financial statement. The potential people to be affected by the report may b e close associates with the audit. This may make them give false verdict about the fairness of the statements. On the other hand pointing misstatement ruins close relationships and in the event lose friends, contract and employment.Auditors reappointed periodically get used to the company’s mediocre in preparation of financial statements. In the event auditors ignore small errors and frauds in the institution. Auditor often adjusts statements reporting. People mislead to rationalize a judgment that is consistent with their own interest. People justify their inaccuracy and one sided judgment about balances through manipulation of data. Serious sanctions and even hefty charges may result. On the contrary, emerging trends auditing promotes independence in the current world.First, competitiveness increase in audit firms. Also dire results of losing a client and increased advantages of cordial relations with the client. Competitiveness Previously, junior auditors basic wage rate w ere at a ratio of four times the cost of the employee. Nowadays when a firm engages in corrupt reporting this amount may fall. In highly competitive markets, audit firms often accept losses audit fees in the initial years in order to â€Å"buy† the company. The client may be retained for a longer period by accepting heavily discounted fees.In the current period audit firms treat clients with great regard. Today, clients can be lured intensified competition among audit firms takes place within and without. These rules of audit business and implications in market share determine profits and even effects of losing a client in a negative audit. . Second, big partnerships such as tax and consulting firms grow rapidly due to audit. Not only do the auditing profession generate profit but also serves as a consultancy agency. In many cases, a Firm's audit client gets consultancy services from the same firm.Notably, the consulting client benefits a lot from the consultancy than from th e audit. Therefore, the views about the accounts also poses a risk on the consultancy service. On the same vein, the integrity of the reporting can be at risk too. Actually, involvement in both consultancy and audit further posses questions on whom the auditor is accountable to and working For. Focused on the obvious conflict of fulfilling responsibility to external users versus the financial benefits of pleasing the client.This conflict is typically viewed as a moral trade-of f on the auditors Face. The larger problem, however, is not with the auditors' morality, but with limitations in the way that they process information. Thus independence remains a problem For even the most moral, honest auditor. Despite the auditors' best efforts to place the external users' interests For the above the client's and to maintain objectivity, they may be unable to overcome cognitive or psychological biases that make them arrive at marginal decisions in the client's favor.The larger problem facing society is that there is good reason to believe that auditors will unknowingly misrepresent facts and will unknowingly subordinate their judgment due to cognitive limitations. While audits are done for external criitics, the negotiated relationship between the auditor and the client creates them. Both the auditor and the client benefit From auditors' self-serving bias. We believe that the auditing profession and external users of financial statements should actively seek fundamental changes in the current structure of the auditing relationship.Observers of the profession have suggested various possibilities, such as prohibiting a firm that conducts a company's audit from simultaneously providing other services for that client, prohibiting audit Firms From providing any related services, having external bodies appoint auditors or set fee structures, requiring companies to periodically change auditors, increasing oversight of auditing practices, or, the most drastic, having governmen tal agencies rather than the private sector conduct audits.While we do not know that any of these suggestions would be optimal, we believe we have made a convincing case for reform of the current auditing relationship. External users pay a huge price for the flaws in the current structure of audit. Work cited 1. Adapted from M. Murray, â€Å"Coopers & Lybrand Is Found Liable by Jury to Investors,† Wall Street Journal, 15 February 1996, p. A-8. 2. Adapted from M. Pitz, â€Å"J'-‘O' Finds Phar-Mor s Auditors Negligent,† Pittsburgh Post-Cazette, 15 February 1996, pp. A1-A6. 3. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Code of Professional Ethics, 1988. 4. W . Burger, U. S.Supreme Court: 1984, United States v. Arthur Young & Co. , US Supreme Court Reports, IG April 1984, 79 L Ed 2d, 826-838. 5. J. C. Robertson, /! W/>/>/g-(Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, 1990). 6. E. Waples and M. K. Shaub, â€Å"Establishing an Ethic of Accounting,† Joumalof Business Ethi cs, volume 10, 1991, pp. 385-393. 7. C. E. Jordan and J. G. Johnston, â€Å"Auditor s Independence: A Proposal to the Profession and the Public,† The Woman CPA, volume 49, July 1987, pp. 3-9. 8. D. M. Messick and K. P. Sentis, â€Å"Fairness and Preference,† Journal of Experimental Social Psychologf, volume 15, 1979, pp. AMi-A'iA. 9. K. A.Diekmann, S. M. Samuels, L. Ross, and M. H . Bazerman, â€Å"Self-interest and Fairness in Problems of Resource Allocation,†/O; »7M/ of Personality and Social Psychology (in press). 10. D. M. Messick, â€Å"Equality, Fairness, and Social Conflict,† Social Justice Research, voune 8, 1995, pp. 153-173; and D. M. Messick and A. E. Tenbrunsel, eds.. Codes of Conduct {New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1996). 11. L. Thompson and C . Loewenstein, â€Å"Egocentric Interpretations of Fairness and Interpersonal Conflict,† Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, volume 51,1992 , pp. 176-197; C . Loewenstein, S. IssacharofF, C.Camerer, and L. Babcock, â€Å"Self- Serving Assessments of Fairness and Pretrial Bargaining,† Journal of Legal Studies, oV vtll, 1993, pp. 135-159; L. Babcock, G. Loewenstein, S. Issacharoff, and C. Camerer, â€Å"Biased Judgments of Fairness in Bargaining,† American Economic Review, volume 85, December 1995, pp. 1337-1342. 12. K. Jenni and G. Loewenstein, â€Å"Explaining the Identifiable Victim Effect,† Journal of Risk and Uncertainty (forthcoming, 1997); D. M. Messick, and M. H . Bazerman, â€Å"Ethical Leadership and the Psychology of Decision Making,† Sloan Management Review, volume 37, Winter 1996, pp. 9-22; and L. Babcock and G.Loewenstein, â€Å"Explaining Bargaining Impasse: Th e Role of Self-Serving Biases,† Journal of Economic Perspectives (in press). 13. SeeG. Loewenstein andj . Elster, Choiceove>- 7/>H(? (New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 1992); G. Loewenstein, â€Å"Behavioral Decision Theory and Business E thics: Skewed Ttade-offs between Self and Other,† in Messick and Tenbrunsel (1996). 14. See J. C. Corless, R. W. Bardett, and R. J. Seglund, â€Å"Psychological Factors Affecting Auditor Independence,† The Ohio CPA Journal, volume 49, Spring 1990, pp. 5-9. Reprint 3848 94 BAZEHMAN ET AI,. SLOAN MANAGEMEN T REVIKW/SUMME R 1997