Sunday, February 16, 2020

As a leader in the 21st Century, I want to know what technology Research Paper

As a leader in the 21st Century, I want to know what technology decisions to make - Research Paper Example Because of the massive reach of social media, firms regard it as an effective tool for driving relevant messages. From an internal communications point of view, social media allows employees to efficiently manage the exchanging of both professional and personal messages. Through social media, corporate culture has been further enhanced. From an external communications perspective, social media is used by firms to directly interact with their target customers in a less costly manner through the personalization of advertising messages. Therefore, in comparison to traditional forms of media, such as television and radio, marketing professionals prefer social media due to its wide audience reach and flexible nature. In this paper, we examine the relevance of leadership techniques in driving the effectiveness of social media, both internally and externally. As such, the discussion is divided into three parts: (1) look closely into social media as a business tool; (2) delve into the forms of leadership techniques, and (3) analyze the connection between proper leadership techniques and results-driven utilization of social media. In the end, this paper aims to justify its thesis that the effective use of social media in business depends on the leadership styles of leaders in a company. Research: Social Media and its Emerging Relevance in Business Overview of Social Media Social Media is defined by Wright State University (n.d.) as â€Å"an interactive, specifically online, community that builds and enhances relationships between individuals and groups based on interest, occupation, and demographic measures while delivering viable information to such individuals and groups.† Human communication, in this sense, is made more efficient through social media. The increasing use of social media by businesses has been underscored in numerous studies. D’Angelo (2010), in his academic paper entitled â€Å"Social Media Community Management: Implications for Busines s Communication Curriculum,† highlighted that 91% of the top 500 companies the U.S. used at least one social media tool in 2009, an uplift from 77% in 2008. There was also an increase in social media use by small businesses from 12% to 24% between December 2008 and December 2009 (D’Angelo, 2010). Moreover, Harvard Business Review Analytic Services (n.d.), in its newly released survey with top U.S. corporations, claimed that more than three-quarters (79%) of the 2,100 organizations surveyed said that they are currently using social media channels (58%) to launch social media initiatives (21%). As Stelzner (2009) discovered in another study, business owners are more likely to use social media marketing (90%) than employees working for a business (81%). In terms of their actual use of social media, sole proprietors and owners of businesses of 2 to 100 employees mentioned that they have been doing social media marketing for years while 72% of marketers have either just star ted or have been using social media for only a few months (Stelzner, 2009). These data indicate that the rise in the use of social me

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Identifying Language Creativity In Everyday English Essay

Identifying Language Creativity In Everyday English - Essay Example Language creativity, as stated earlier, can be found in several different linguistic practices. It is identified in different ways. Some are unexpected; others are common to many people who are keen on utterances by different individuals in movie films and other physical functions or conversations. One comes across or bumps into it in things from advertisements, televisions news or literature banners. For instance, young children may engage in talking and making jokes as they play or engage themselves in their day-to-day activities. The idea that kids are able to tell, as well as, receive jokes indicates that they have the capability of recognizing creativity in some communications or jokes made by colleagues. In other words, jokes are mainly creativity done to amuse other people. Creativity is the central component of joke composition. Without creativity, a joke no longer becomes a joke, but a normal declarative or inquisitive statement.   In addition to the above, children also l ike telling stories and fairy tales amongst themselves. This is one of the productive uses of the mind making them creative. A point to note is that as the kids tell stories or fairy tales, they come up with ways in which the stories can be modified to ensure that they become more enjoyable than before. Modification of these stories is a necessity with change in time. For instance, it would be boring to tell a 21st century kid a story using the styles and manners in which the 20thy century kids were told the same story. In other words, some elements of creativity in the language used must be included to cope up with the constant changing environment. Besides, it is notable that it is in early childhood when creativity in linguistic occurs in a rapid and interesting manner. Guy Cook (2000) cautioned parents that linguistic play, mainly among the kids can sometimes lead to other undesirable consequences like paying less attention to school work and the general academic developments. Cook made a discovery that children who are mainly involved in story-telling and other language game activities often show little interest in their school work. They instead seem to be keener in entering the world of â€Å"make-believe† in varieties of forms from bed time stories to simple and addictive computer games. Analytically, school work also acts as an important booster to language creativity. When children attend schools, they do so with one aim of education to promote interaction and all round development among the children. For instance, the interaction in school may provide another platform for language creativity such as reciting tongue twisters and singing songs. This will